Tag Archives: LightPeak
Turns out those leaked shots we saw of Sony's new VAIO Z laptop were right on the money as the company showed it off officially today for the European press. The specs reveal a 13.1-inch "ultramobile" notebook that comes in at under 1.2kg with a 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM, 1600x900 screen and sheet battery borrowed from ...
Posted on June 28, 2011 | Tags: 6650M, a, AMD, breaking news, core i7, CoreI7, d, dock, europe, extrenal gpu, ExtrenalGpu, GPU, i7, intel, laptop, light peak, LightPeak, PCIe, power media dock, PowerMediaDock, radeon, Sony, sony europe, SonyEurope, thin, thunderbolt, ultraportable, ulv, VAIO, Vaio Z, vaio z series, VaioZ, VaioZSeries, viao
Small Form Factor PC - Commodore Amiga Mini PC
Written on March 22, 2012 -
Western Digital unveils new My Passport portable hard d...
Written on March 20, 2012 -
Nvidia to Apple - Show Benchmark for New iPad
Written on March 08, 2012 -
ROCCAT Power-Grid App combine with Phobo gaming keyboar...
Written on March 06, 2012 -
Roccat Savu hybrid gaming mouse ready for CeBIT
Written on March 01, 2012 -
Broadcom: Speedy 802.11ac Wi-Fi set for fast, wide roll...
Written on February 29, 2012