Tag Archives: GPU
Color us unsurprised that Ivy Bridge is destined to be faster and smaller than its predecessor, but unbeknownst to us is an fascinating tidbit concerning the upcoming architecture's GPU. The revamp will reserve resolutions in excess of 4K (topping out at a maximum of 4,096 x 4,096) -- a gigantic leap from the WQXGA (2,560 x 1,600) limitation of its Sandy ...
Posted on September 21, 2011 | Tags: displays, DPI, GPU, high DPI, high resolution, high resolution displays, HighDpi, HighResolution, HighResolutionDisplays, idf 2011, Idf2011, integrated graphics, IntegratedGraphics, intel, ivy bridge, IvyBridge, monitors, resolution, Sandy Bridge, sandybridge
Turns out those leaked shots we saw of Sony's new VAIO Z laptop were right on the money as the company showed it off officially today for the European press. The specs reveal a 13.1-inch "ultramobile" notebook that comes in at under 1.2kg with a 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM, 1600x900 screen and sheet battery borrowed from ...
Posted on June 28, 2011 | Tags: 6650M, a, AMD, breaking news, core i7, CoreI7, d, dock, europe, extrenal gpu, ExtrenalGpu, GPU, i7, intel, laptop, light peak, LightPeak, PCIe, power media dock, PowerMediaDock, radeon, Sony, sony europe, SonyEurope, thin, thunderbolt, ultraportable, ulv, VAIO, Vaio Z, vaio z series, VaioZ, VaioZSeries, viao
Great news……Microsoft today made an announcement that will accelerate the adoption of GPU computing (that is, the use of GPUs as a companion processor to CPUs). The software maker is working on a new programming language extension, called C++ AMP, with a focus on accelerating applications with GPUs.
With Microsoft now embracing GPUs in their future higher level language and OS roadmap, it makes the decision to go with GPU computing even easier for those programmers still on the fence.
Its intent with ...
I am very pleased to announce the launch of a brand new version of the very popular NVIDIA PhysX SDK. The new PhysX 3.0 SDK is available to all registered developers on our developer support website located at:Â http://supportcenteronline.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=1949
PhysX is the world’s most pervasive physics solution for highly realistic and real-time simulation based effects for games, film and ...
Late last year, LucidLogix introduced us to Virtu, the GPU virtualization software that makes disparate GPUs play nice on Sandy Bridge PCs, and now its extending the love to AMD Bulldozer and Brazos machines. The latest version of the software, dubbed Virtu Universal, also extends GPU virtualization to all-in-ones and notebooks (on both AMD and Intel), enabling simple switching between discrete graphics and the integrated ilk. What's more, the program ushers in the debut of Virtual Vsync, which claims to bring ...
Posted on June 02, 2011 | Tags: AMD, Brazos, Bulldozer, discrete graphics, DiscreteGraphics, GPU, gpu virtualization, GpuVirtualization, Graphic, graphics cards, GraphicsCards, integrate graphics, IntegrateGraphics, intel, lucid logix, LucidLogix, sandybridge, Virtual Vsync, virtualization, VirtualVsync
ASUS’ glasses-free 3D gaming notebook will likely get most of the attention, but the Republic of Gamers team has also brought along plenty of kit for the DIY enthusiast. In addition to the ROG Crosshair V Formula series motherboard shown yesterday there are the ROG Maximus IV Extreme-Z and ROG Maximus IV GENE-Z motherboards, plus the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 ...
Posted on May 31, 2011 | Tags: Asus, Asus ROG, GPU, GTX, GTX 580, GTX 580 MARS II, mobo, motherboards, NVIDIA, ROG, Videocards
Companies that make video cards like to lay claim to the title of world’s fastest when they can. AMD and NVIDIA like to do the same thing trading the title back and forth. MSI has unveiled a new video card at Computex 2011 called the N580GTX Lightning Xtreme Edition. This isn’t the first video card from MSI packing in the NVIDIA ...
You might think yourself too grown-up to be wowed by shiny, glittery things, but we doubt many will be able to watch NVIDIA's new Glow Ball tech demo without a smidgen of childlike glee. Built to run on the company's quad-core Kal-El processor, it shows us the first example of true dynamic lighting on mobile devices and also throws in some ...
Posted on May 30, 2011 | Tags: advanced, android, arm, ball, cloth, Computex, Computex 2011, Computex2011, demo, demonstration, dynamic, dynamic lighting, DynamicLighting, gfx, glow, glow ball, GlowBall, GPU, graphics, Hardware, honeycomb, kal-el, lighting, mobile graphics, MobileGraphics, NVIDIA, nvidia tegra, NvidiaTegra, physics, pre-production, quad core, QuadCore, smartphones, system-on-chip, tablets, tegra, tegra 3, tegra zone, Tegra3, TegraZone, video
Advanced Micro Devices said this week that it has shipped about 5 million of its power-efficient Fusion processors to date, as it makes inroads thanks to Intel's fading Netbook franchise.
Traditional Netbooks are minimalist, typically sub-$350 laptops that average about 3 pounds and feature Intel's power-frugal Atom processors. But the specially designated category of Netbooks is fading as more companies and consumers gravitate to plain old small laptops, minus the Netbook nomenclature and minus Intel's Atom. ...
Posted on May 29, 2011 | Tags: Advanced Micro Devices, AdvancedMicroDevices, AMD, amd fusion, AmdFusion, APU, ati, CPU, fusion, Fusion APU, FusionApu, GPU, graphics, netbook, notbook, processors, sales, silicon
Small Form Factor PC - Commodore Amiga Mini PC
Written on March 22, 2012 -
Western Digital unveils new My Passport portable hard d...
Written on March 20, 2012 -
Nvidia to Apple - Show Benchmark for New iPad
Written on March 08, 2012 -
ROCCAT Power-Grid App combine with Phobo gaming keyboar...
Written on March 06, 2012 -
Roccat Savu hybrid gaming mouse ready for CeBIT
Written on March 01, 2012 -
Broadcom: Speedy 802.11ac Wi-Fi set for fast, wide roll...
Written on February 29, 2012